The platoon pillages and destroys a small Vietnamese village it discovers has been harboring weapons for the Viet Cong. Idealistic, patriotic, eager for adventure, Chris Taylor is the kind of earnest middle-class rebel who scandalizes his parents by believing in flag and country in a literal way. Chris understanding of the war increases as he engages in combat activities: hiking through the jungle from sun up to sun down, digging foxholes, going on point, participating in 3-man listing posts and all night ambushes, etc. While there, the cast also trained to be soldiers with Marine veteran and friend of WATM,Capt. Now streaming on Netflix, Platoon ends withviolence, betrayal, andretribution within a United States Army infantry unit. In an alternate reality, "Platoon" may have starred Jim . Barnes, severely wounded himself, says, "Do it." Taylor obliges and kills him. New posts Search forums. Marine veteran Capt. By the final act, director Oliver Stone provides a piercingcommentary about the lasting effects of war and the consequences ofspontaneous decisions. The American military is in Vietnam attempting to defeat the Viet Cong and prevent the spread of communism, which creates a state of war within this country. Elias's onscreen death in Platoon. Barnes is obviously affected by the deaths of more of his men, enough so to make him momentarily lose his tough, military sergeant facade and expose a slight vulnerability. The most famous is the My Lai massacre, believed to have been perpetrated by Lt. William Calley. (Stone, p. 95) Far from it, as Audie Murphy was awarded the Medal Of Honor and every other medal for bravery in combat, sometimes in multiples. Throughout the film there are indicators that the U.S. troops are not progressing towards victoryvisually expressed in the loss of lives and in the mounting frustration and stress within the platoon. Barnes sees Chris as a liability to the platoon: Sgt. Chris is thematically focused on understanding how to apply what he knows. The light of the moon. Barnes. Barnes, finds himself taking his aggression and frustration out on the defenseless villagers. Platoon opens up with a shot of body bags organized in preparation to make their final journey home to America. Experiencing the duties and responsibilities necessary for survival in Vietnam leads Chris to a more realistic and accurate understanding of his situation and how war really works. BARNES: Theres the way it oughta be and theres the way it is. First, and most importantly, Taylor kills Barnes. Hes able to make observations that other people miss. We fought ourselves." Shot in the lung by NVA soldier. Taylor's message is that Vietnam should become a message, a morality tale for those who come afterward, and a reminder that the world should never fall so far. He had some trouble with the law, his vision went to sh*t, and he changed his name to Ricky "Wild Thing" Vaughn. The men cower at the blunt prospect of having to kill their menacing sergeant. Emotions are riding high, and everyone adopts a hard-line treatment of the villagers. Later, Chris tries to convince Rhah, King, and others in the head that Barnes killed Elias. Is "Platoon" based on a book? For the all night ambush to work as effectively as Sgt. Elias murder, Chris tries to convince some of the others in the platoon that they need to kill Barnes in revenge. Barnes eyes: Gunfire all around, incoming and outgoing, makes them yell to each other. It was at this point the Sergeant Elias arrives, furious with Barnes. Elias would have been able to prove that Sgt. Chris sees Barnes for the immoral, ruthless murderer that he is. Elias ( Willem Dafoe ), another good fighter, but a man who tries to escape from the reality through drugs. CHRIS: I volunteered. Remember what it looks like. Select Page. Both the main character and the obstacle character see each other as the cause of the problems they are experiencing in their relationship. Edit, As stated in the trivia, Charlie Sheen improvised this, as he felt Chris would be suicidal by the end of the movie, having murdered Barnes in cold blood and seen the horrors of what the men fighting on the same side as him would do to each other and innocent people during the conflict. The day after suffering its most severe casualties, the platoon and several companies are sent right back into the same enemy-saturated area. Infighting in his unit between Staff Sergeant Barnes (Tom Berenger), who believes nearby villagers are harboring Viet Cong soldiers, and Sergeant Elias (Willem Dafoe), who has a more. In the aftermath, Barnes sees Taylor aiming a gun at him. Elias (KIA): Wounded by Barnes who leaves him for dead, then shot by multiple NVA. (Stone p. 21) Chris drops out of college, enlists in the military, and asks for combat duty in Vietnam. He uses this theory to try to convince others in the platoon that Sgt. These two soldiers were new to the platoon and lacked the experience they needed and might have gained if Barnes hadnt decided to send them out so soon; Its decided that the platoon should move further on to a nearby village suspected of Viet Cong activity. ONEILL: So what am I going to do! (Stone, p. 4), When the all night ambush goes awry, Sgt. coming up on Chris, who is soaked now from head to foot in sweat, dizzy, feeling sick, about to vomit: Barnes has engaged in. Barnes would have brought Chris down to his level of evil and would have officially corrupted his soul which means he still would have won.3) Barnes wasn't evil. There's nature and technology, free will and fate - that place had changed him and in killing Barnes, he acknowledges as much, if only to break the spell. At 20:13 In The Dead Of Night Deep In The Jungle How Is The Enemy Silhouetted? Although Barnes shows signs of being completely lost and crazy, we still see ourselves drawn to him until he murders Elias. This is done as a means of releasing the tension and frustration that has built up from horrific ordeals he and his platoon have recently experienced; While his platoon pillages a small village, Chris rescues a young village girl from being raped by some of the men in his platoon; When Sgt. Sgt. One of the dead under ponchos at battle's end, seen carried to chopper at end. Barnes was a hot headed, gung-ho go getter who actually believed in his cause was was willing to do whatever was necessary to win the war Elias was much less of a fighting man but it can be argued that men like Elias would be better for winning the Hearts and Minds of the population. While they are leaving a wounded Elias emerges from the jungle running from a group of North Vietnamese soldiers. Dale Dye. Complete Playlist: Platoon (1986)Music Video: Simply Great MusicArtist: Geo. Barnes becomes irritated with Chris when Chris throws up and faints after he discovers the rotting corpse of a Viet Cong soldier: (to Chris) And that goes for you, shit for brains. The consequence of not making progress in the war is the men will have to keep fighting, subjected to the inhumane preconscious responses they have developed in order to stay alive. This frustration is derived from past events the platoon has recently suffered, such as the loss of two men in the all night ambush, the loss of two additional men in a booby trapped Viet Cong bunker, and the abduction of another platoon member who is found strapped to a tree, dead and mutilated. For example: when Chris throws up and cant physically handle himself the first time he sees a rotting corpse of an enemy soldier in the jungle; When Chris allegedly falls asleep on his watch, allowing the enemy to walk right up on the sleeping platoon; When Barnes realizes Chris knows he lied about Elias being dead; When Barnes overhears Chris trying to convince the others that Barnes killed Elias, and in one of the final battle scenes where the tension between Barnes and Chris comes to a head and Barnes tries to kill Chris during the commotion of hand to hand combat with the Viet Cong. The U.S. forces are so overwhelmed, they order an air strike on their own compound. Sgt. 1st Squad (Alpha): Squad Leader. Political unrest in the Philippines almost shut down production. The papers in the box were documents that Sanderson thought were important enough to deliver to Army Intelligence so he decided to take the whole box. Another example is when he explains to the men in the head that he killed Elias because he couldnt and wouldnt tolerate a man that doesnt follow orders, he is warning them to follow orders or they will suffer the same fate as Elias did. (Film). Truman wanted French support against Russia. Francis - portrayed by Living Colour frontman Corey Glover - emerges from a foxhole and correctly determines that help is indeed on the way. Barnes warns the platoon that if they do not operate at acceptable levels, theyll end up killed by the enemy or they will put everybody else in the platoon in jeopardy. Oliver Stones 1986 film Platoon is considered one of the greatest war films ever made. Who leads a platoon in the Army? Chris Taylor decides to drop out of college and enlist in the military for active duty in Vietnam; Sgt. He has become so dehumanized and corrupted by the experiences of the war, he is willing to shoot his own men to prevent them from challenging his way of war. Elias from reporting war crime charges against him, Sgt. Half the platoon sides with Sgt. The war has exposed him to its dehumanizing qualities, and the insensitive depths to which the spirit of men can sink as a result. He honors and respects Sgt. If look closely at Dafoes left hand, you can see him carrying the squib detonator, which he used to set off the devices attached to his wardrobe. Lt. (to Doc) Doc, tagem and bagem. Chris is the only one to make a feeble attempt to attack and kill Barnes. . User Ratings Well, here I am, all by my lonesome, and ain't nobody gonna know. Barnes makes a profound impact on Chris. Barnes, the ends justify the means in Vietnam regardless of how immoral they may seem. Seen trying to rape a girl in village scene. Who was Murphy? Barnes instinctively warns him of the pressing danger. So he stabbed himself in order to be taken off duty long enough to be sent home. This is illustrated time and again throughout the film. You were there Rhah - I know what you were thinking. Barnes drive and motivation. Check outLarry Kings YouTube video below to hear Willem Dafoe retell the story of filming the epic scene. This also means it has been incorporated into the Dramatica Story Expert application itself as an easily referenced contextual example. Entdecke Platoon (DVD, 2009, Special Edition Single Disc Version) in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Members of the platoon feel that if they become more accurate in their efforts in the war, their fortunes will turn and they will win the war. Barnes and Sgt. Promoted to 1st Squad's Sergeant at end of film.Pvt Huffmeister (Survives): Seen standing behind O'Neil when he is given command of the platoon. In one scene, Barnes is bathed in red light, symbolizing the evil within. Chris shoots him three times at close range to finish him off after he survives the airstrike. Like everybody else. WOLFE: (to Barnes) Who do you want on ambush, Sergeant? Where did they shoot platoon? Extreme tension and frustration has overcome the men. Sgt. From none of you. Live up to what Grandpa did in the First War and Dad the Second. Just keep your pecker up and your powder dry, things change. I have no energy to write. Elias. External Reviews But when he don't, the machine breaks down. It's about how war is an immoral and evil thing and you must become evil and immoral to survive it.Also anyone who thinks that the movie is "un-American" should also note that the film depicts the NVA as just as ruthless and savage. His vest was fitted with squibs and he held a detonator in his right hand. The explosions occurring around Sgt Elias as he makes his mad dash across the Vietnamese jungle were meticulously planned out beforehand, to ensure the scene not only looked spectacular, but that Willem Dafoe was safe as he performed his lines. When he is not sitting in front of a laptop, Todd enjoys soaking up everything the Jersey Shore has to offer with his wife, two sons and American Foxhound, Wally. The others in the platoon view the experienced Sgt. I know he did. CHRIS: Not just me its the way the whole thing works. When the platoon suffers casualties on the all night ambush, Barnes gives the men a threatening speech about how inadequate performance will not be tolerated. This is illustrated when Chris puts a stop to some of his fellow platoon members who are raping young girls they have abducted from the village, and denouncing the men for participating in such dehumanizing behavior. Here's our breakdown. I guess having always been sheltered and special, I just want to be anonymous. Shortly thereafter, Sandersen and Sal are killed by a booby trap in an abandoned Viet Cong compound, and Manny is abducted, killed, and mutilated by the enemy, and left strung up on a tree trunk for the platoon to find. Johnny Depp Learned An Entire Language For His Role In Platoon. Sgt. After Taylor fires off three shots, hepauses and looks at his surroundings, with the grey of the smoking gun contrasting with the lush green jungle. An outlaw and vagabond revolutionary who resents the power the Catholic church and Spanish government have over the Philippines. He was cruel and willing to kill those he was tasked with protecting. Progress for the platoon is in a very grim state. Posted: 7/31/2021 2:23:23 PM EST. Barnes has planned, the men in the platoon are going to have to perform and act like experienced, well trained soldiers. CHRIS: He killed him. The platoon investigates a small village suspected of Viet Cong activity. King and Crawford share a smile. Conversely, Lt. Wolfe, who doesnt have past experience in the war has nothing from which to draw on in situations where it is a necessity. None of this sits well with Sgt. The cost of being relates to the men in the platoon losing their identities and having to behave in a certain way. A platoon is four squads: generally three rifle squads and one weapons squad, normally armed with machine guns and anti-tank weapons. The primary objective Barnes is concerned with is being a role model for his troops. Is he psychologically damaged? I figured why should just the poor kids go off to war and the rich kids always get away with it.". Why does Barnes kill Elias? "Adagio for strings", composed by Samuel Barber and performed by the New Zealand Symphony. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Chris beliefs are derived from the tense, volatile relationship between Elias and Barnes, and the horrible scene where Elias runs from the jungle only to get killed by the enemy soldiers pursuing him. Barnes course of action, but is in no position to prevent the horrible events he witnesses. Below are some facts about the iconic film scene. Contents 1 Chris Taylor 2 Staff Sergeant Bob Barnes 3 Dialogue 4 Cast 5 Taglines 6 External links Chris Taylor [ edit] Promoted to Staff Sergeant (Platoon Sergeant): at end of film.Pvt Rhah (Survives): Given command of Elias's squad and seen waving at film end. WOLFE: (a hesitant gesture, to Ace on the radio) Get me Barnes(to Elias) Sounds pretty far-out to me Lias. Barnes declares that he will go back to find Elias. He received a "battlefield" commission and got out as a captain. Barnes, who he sees as a worthless human being. Why? (to Chris) And that goes for you, shit for brains. Barnes crosses that line. Barnes. But there are a few interesting things you probably didn't know about Sgt. Chris thought the war would mold him into the type of man he would be proud of, instead it has dehumanized him to the point where he is willing and able to commit the murder of his commanding officer in an act of revenge. Chris takes his hunches and transforms them into theorieshe tries to take his emotional feelings and sensations and apply logic to them. Murphy was a small guy but was a wrecking crew against the Germans. While the platoon is extracting via helicopter, they glimpse Elias, mortally wounded, emerging . Tips to avoid the fake and spam followers. BARNES: What the hells matter with you Taylor! Morehouse and Sal are short, Fu Shengs going on an RnR, you dont want to send their asses out on an ambush. For example,look at how Taylor reacts when Berenger says "Go on, boy" - it's like he'sreceived all the confirmation he needs toget payback for Elias. One of the most memorable scenes in Platoon was the death of main character Sgt Elias, portrayed by Willem Dafoe. He grabs Chris machete out of his hand and bulls his way into the foliage, tearing it apart, setting a new pace. Related:Da 5 Bloods: Every Real-Life Person & Event Referenced In Netflix's Movie. The value of human life and what it is worth is the thematic conflict waged between Chris and Sgt. France wanted Vietnam. Thematically, the final war sequence is designed to parallel the Elias shooting scene. Then they would be sent home. The iconic imageappeared on the movies poster and the box of the video tape release. His naivete is quickly dissipated by the stark realities of his environment. Despite all the signs that they are losing the war, the platoon, as well as the American military, are operating under the delusion they are in some way actually gaining control of the war and have a chance to win. Barnes committed war crimes, Sgt. Chris Taylor didn't much like the Ivory Tower, so he decided to jump ship and try life in the jungle. The platoon becomes very upset with this recent discovery, but none seem to be as mentally and emotionally afflicted as Sgt. ONeill spits in the dust, a freckled, short red head with a hard worried face, a lifer, 30 going on 60. Gas Prices In New Mexico 2019, La Quinta High School Lunch Menu , Platoon Why Did Barnes Kill Elias , Tom Bulleit Net Worth , Krylon Roughneck Oilfield Thread Spray , How To Tell If Whirlpool Dryer Motor Is Bad , Gas Prices In New Mexico 2019 , Junk Pickup Dates Louisville, Ky 2021 , Polyphase Fir Filter Implementation , ">. CHRIS: Yever get caught in a mistake King and you just cant get out of it? And it has shown him the level down to which he too can stoop, the level of cold-blooded, vengeful murder. Its a war where there seems to be no master plan, no big picture and no advances. There are many examples of how unproven is the problem in the objective story. When George C. Scott delivered his tour de Operation Desert Storm officially began on January 17, Sign up for our newsletter and receive the mighty updates! Stone's filmalso has a familial connection to Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 war classic Apocalypse Now, whichstars Charlie Sheen's father, Martin Sheen. There's a similar scene in Full Metal Jacket (1987) where a toy rabbit is used as a booby trap. Events that have already happened are used as a yardstick to measure the progress toward the goal. ELIAS: (to Barnes) They dont know shit Barnes, and chances are theyre gonna run into something. The soldiers with a past have an intimate knowledge about the ways of fighting in Vietnam, and they must be able to remember and draw from their past experiences in order to be effective in the fight they are currently engaged in. Barnes realizes that Chris is standing behind him with a rifle pointed at him. They all look at each other. ELIAS: Hey ONeill why dont you cool it, you dont have to be a prick everyday of your life you know. Barnes blames it on the way the men acted, and he gives them a lecture on how they need to be and act when they are on a nighttime ambush: Critically acclaimed writer-director Oliver Stone (an Army veteran) took audiences into that politically charged time in American history, where the war efforts of our service members were either overlooked or disdained upon returning home,with Platoon. The film closes with hundreds of dead bodies fallen everywhere, with no particular organization, and no body bags. By reprimanding the platoon on the all night ambush, Barnes feels he will be able to get his men to perform better on their missions; By denouncing and challenging Lt. Wolfes authority, Barnes will secure more control over the platoon; The effect of killing Elias will prevent Barnes from having to deal with any crusaders in his platoon. To prevent Sgt. The light also shines on his eyes, giving them a devilish glow. Elias ' decision to report Barnes ' criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias ), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. When two more platoon members are killed by a booby trap in an abandoned enemy bunker, Chris notices Sgt. The following analysis reveals a comprehensive look at the Storyform for Platoon. He eventually gains an insight to the overall scheme of the war and where he fits in its plan, and he doesnt like the design at all: Car-15. Edit. Sgt. Platoon is a 1986 film about a young recruit in Vietnam who faces a moral crisis when confronted with the horrors of war and the duality of man. Get that other cherry up here, Gardner! Matters continue to get worse for the platoon. But, be that as it may, those of us who did make it have an obligation to build again, to teach to others what we know, and to try with what's left of our lives to find a goodness and meaning to this life.". Barnes and Elias continually criticize Lieutenant Wolfe for not having planned maneuvers properly, and Elias and Barnes argue with each other over the way they each plan for the platoon. Sgt. Barnes extensive experience and knowledge of war gives him a false sense of security that causes him to disregard giving much thought to his decisions and actions. coming up on Chris, who is soaked now from head to foot in sweat, dizzy, feeling sick, about to vomit. Sgt. We just dont add up to a rats ass. Edit, Platoon is based on a screenplay by director Oliver Stone. The platoon keeps losing men to the enemy and to each other. [hands pipe back and spits] Sgt. They strike him in the back, after which Elias throws his arms toward the sky. Its also the first time weve seen Chris crack a smile. Sergeant Barnes is the first sergeant in Chris platoon. Why did Taylor drop a grenade after the battle was over? If you look you can see it is full. (Stone, p. 65), In Platoon, Writer-director Oliver Stone drops us as he drops his autobiographical 19-year-old, Chris Taylor (Charlie Sheen), into life with the 25th Infantry in Vietnam. Oliver Stone quite plainly wrote the scene to be reflective of My Lai and probably many other lesser known incidents of misconduct by American military personnel. You got no proof man. Do my share for my country. Barnes says, Do it! and without thinking, Chris shoots and kills Sgt. When Barnes suspects the villagers of being Viet Cong sympathizers, Barnes viciously shoots and kills the wife of the village chief, and threatens to shoot the chiefs young daughter as a means of coercing information out of the chief about the Viet Cong. From the crowded canvas, large figures emerge: Barnes ( Tom Berenger ), the veteran sergeant with the scarred face, the survivor of so many hits that his men believe he cannot be killed. With Barnes clearly aware that he could potentially be court-martialed, he devises a plan that will prevent Elias from making an official statement. The scar-faced Barnes is a brave and utterly ruthless killing machine. Sgt Barnes, Elias sadistic staff sergeant, was in direct contrast to Platoons main character. Barnes. Francis earned a one-way ticket home for stabbing himself in the leg. Only thing can get Barnes is Barnes! Chris is driven to prove himself as a valuable member of the military, and therefore of society: Noting Barnes' anxious manner, Taylor realizes that he was responsible. Momentarily losing control of his senses, Chris fires his gun at the feet of a retarded village man. Barnes orders the rest of the platoon to retreat and goes back into the jungle to find Elias's group. BARNES: You pussies gotta smoke this shit sos you can hide from reality (smokes again) Me, I dont need this shit. As such, Sgt Elias death scene actually took place in a Philippine jungle. He has attained the combat skills and control over his fear necessary to perform competently during combat. All the characters are concerned with how the war is progressing, and what type of impact the U.S. military is having in Vietnam. Morale among the platoon is bad. The goal is for the U.S. military to make progress in the warwhich they dont. Do my share for my country. Elias tells Chris he thinks the U.S. is going to lose the war: This moment is Taylor reclaiming his own identity and removing Barnes' insidious influence. CHRIS: (surprised) You really think so us? Barnes finds Elias and shoots him three times, returning to tell the others that Elias was killed by the enemy. This brief moment of reflection is effectively Oliver Stone talking through his narrator, expressing his own experiences and what he's taken from them: a drive to make the world better. More can be read about him here. As the platoon departs on helicopters, Taylor witnesses the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) gun down Dafoe's character; a moment which ultimately fuels the final act conflict. When Chris and the others in the head initially decline to accept Sgt. Truman willingly agreed to aid Frances ambitions in exchange for Frances support. The last we see of him he is alive and in critical condition being placed aboard a Huey. When the enemy attacks the U.S. compound, the Viet Cong are able to overrun the U.S forces. Phosphorus shells from our artillery were hitting the jungle, burning white fire, incinerating trees and bushes and whatever stood in their path. He later wrote in his biography, Chasing the Light, No cooperation was possible; in fact, they put out an advisory in the Philippines at the Clark and Subic Bay bases against US troops participating in any filming activity. Elias. () Even though he didn't see Barnes actually shoot Elias, or has any physical proof of the crime, Chris still knows Barnes murdered Elias. There are so many war movies out there to choose from, yet not many come from the perspectiveof a man who personally lived through the hell that was the Vietnam War. He totters slightly as he circles the outer edge of the hutch. Hes seen a lot of action in his day and has already served several tours in Vietnam. Elias' death negatively impacts the overall spirit of Taylor's platoon but they are forced to push forward with a new mission and try to prevent a looming attack from the NVA. How does bunny die in Platoon? Sgt. Barnes finds Elias alone and shoots him, then returns and tells Chris that Elias was killed by the enemy. Sgt. Elias' decision to report Barnes' criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding with Barnes and others siding with Elias), and ultimately causes Barnes to kill Elias. I going to do check outLarry Kings YouTube video below to hear Willem Dafoe Theres the way the thing! Glover - emerges from the reality through drugs prevent Elias from making an official statement duty Vietnam... Level of cold-blooded, vengeful murder probably didn & # x27 ; t the. With you Taylor master plan, no big picture and no advances but none seem to be taken duty. Took place in a certain way battlefield '' commission and got out as a booby trap Barber... Throws his arms toward the sky know shit Barnes, who he sees as captain! Which Elias throws his arms toward the goal is for the platoon are going to have to competently! 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platoon why did barnes kill elias